Frugal Living

What does frugal mean?

According to, the definition of frugality is “sparing, thrifty, prudent or economical in the consumption of consumable resources such as food, time or money, and avoiding waste, lavishness or extravagance”.

To me, being frugal is just stretching what I have, be it money, time, or consumables, to get more out of what I have. Frugal living does not mean depriving yourself, just trying to get more bang for your buck.

Does frugal mean cheap?

Many people might think being frugal and cheap are the same thing and they can be but there are differences.

Being cheap is when someone doesn’t want to spend money and will go to great lengths to avoid spending any money. Such as hoarding condiment packets from fast-food restaurants and refilling their used condiment bottles at home with them.

Being frugal is when someone will hunt for the best deal and then use what they have sparingly to not waste it. As for myself, I know which of the 4 local stores I typically shop at and which one will have the best price on ketchup. When looking at store ads if I see ketchup at a lower price I will stock up on it. Also, when using ketchup, I will use a little bit and go back for more if needed, instead of just squirting out a whole bunch and then not using it.

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